5 Quick Persuasion Techniques To Include In Your Daily Communication

“If I can persuade, I can move the universe”.
The above was a quote made by one Frederick Douglas, a black slave who escaped to freedom back in the 1850’s and who later became a well known abolitionist and orator.
According to Kevin Hogan, the author of Psychology of Persuasion, persuasion is the true purpose and intention of communication and those who can’t persuade are arguably impotent.
Well, you may agree with the above statements or not but whether you chose to agree or dispute it, persuasion remains a very important skillset the world over.
It is the reason you voted your current president or leader. It is the reason you married your significant other or how that hot girl/guy agreed to see you in the first place. It is the reason you signed that huge contract or sold your product. It may even be the reason why you chose to eat your last meal. (Presentation is key during persuasion). Well, the way persuasion works in our lives are endless. It may also be communicated overtly or covertly and this could be in mannerisms, words, visuals, etc
People who master persuasion and actively use this skillset are usually able to make more money, live better lives, make more friends, can influence multitudes, and literally have the world at their feet.
So, how does one become persuasive? What are the key components of becoming more persuasive.
- Tell a compelling Story
Story has been known to persuade multitudes of people. It is the reason many television commercials create compelling storylines in order to woo us and get us to purchase their products. Stories activate emotional parts of the brain allowing people to better relate to a situation. A case in point is Coca-Cola, who are well known for their emotional, heart wrenching storylines during adverts.
- Pain Alleviation/Pleasure Creation
People are known to purchase or act when they are trying to run away from pain or obtain pleasure. However, studies show that most people are moved when the messaging is geared towards pain alleviation rather than pleasure creation. Gear your messaging accordingly with this in mind. However, in both cases, you need to create/identify a need and then offer a solution for it.
- Limit Your Availability
According to Robert Cialdini, the author of the Principles of Persuasion, things become more attractive when they are scarce or limited. This is essentially why the affluent tend to purchase/acquire things that are usually scarce or not within the reach of the masses. The more exclusive an opportunity or something is, the more esteemed it tends to be perceived.
- Use Social Proof
People are 12x more likely to purchase a product based on the reviews rather than the product descriptions. It is therefore paramount to have a testimonial page on your website or marketing materials since people are also more likely to purchase from you 63% of the time as a result of this.
- Words and Phrases
Words and Phrases are key in persuasion. For instance, a Harvard Study stated that people are more likely to be influenced when the word “because” is used in a sentence. This means that all messaging with an objective to sell or influence need to be persuasive in nature. Examples of persuasive words and phrases are as follows:
Words that Convey Value: Affordable, Easy, Fast, Free
Words that Evoke Trust: Proven, Certified, Tested, Guaranteed
Time Oriented Words: Hurry, New, Limited Time, Last Chance
Cause and Effect Words: Because, therefore, Due to, As a result of
Exclusivity-Inducing Words: Members Only, Exclusive offers, Early release
Second Person Pronouns: You, Yours, Your or Actual names. Avoid self-centric pronouns like I,
Me, Mine, Ours etc.
One key factor to keep in mind during your messaging process is that despite their needs, people usually tend to purchase things they want rather than what they actually need. So instead of selling them an exercise regime for purposes of becoming healthier (which is an essential need), sell them the ability to fit in a pair of skinny jeans that will get everyone to get their eyes on their new “sexy’ selves (ultimately a want).
The list above is by no means exhaustive. There are loads of other persuasive techniques that are described by many social psychologists. This blog intends to identify and demonstrate how these can be put into great use in our day-to-day lives so we can achieve our communication goals, build authoritative personal brands and ultimately make more money in the process. For a more in-depth and faster take on persuasion and influence in motion, check out the different Masters of Clout programs here.
Here’s to a more persuasive you!